Amisha Singh (1st)
Srihita Tumma (2nd)
NIkhil Guru Venkatesh (3rd)
Karthikeya Karavadi (Consolation)
Free hand drawing is a style of drawing made without the use of guiding or measuring instruments. Orchids- the International School organized a free hand drawing competition on the 2nd september2011 for children from classes 1to 5. The children were given freedom to draw whatever they wanted to draw. They used crayons, sketch pens, colourpencils and water paints on white papers to draw their favourite animals, mountains, rivers trees and plants as well as their legendary characters. The school awarded certificates to the children who secured the 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions respectively. Through this competition, students attained good observation skills, good sense of proportions, a smooth motion of hand and learnt to give the drawing deep shading .The students were creative and enjoyed the drawing competition a lot.