Wednesday, 20 August 2014


Ref NO 1032/A/PC/2014-15/35                                                                                     20/08/14
Dear Parent,
1.The School  will be working on 23/08/14 and 30/08/14 for Grades Nursery -X, in order to complete the Syllabus in time. Buses will be plying as usual.
2.Friday’s Time-Table will be followed for Grades I –X  on both the days.


Star of the Week Aakash

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Holidays Information

Dear Parent,
1. This is to inform you that 18/08/14 and 19/08/14 are HOLIDAYS for the School on account of Krishnashtami and Household Survey being conducted by the Government.
2. Parents are requested to note that 23/08/14 (4th Saturday) is a normal working day for Classes I-X.



The 68th Independence Day was celebrated in Orchids ceremoniously. The Chief Guest Dr. Ashwin M. Shah, Head of the Dept. of Oncology, Kamineni Hospitals hoisted the National Flag and the National Anthem was sung. Principal, Mr. C. Srikanth introduced the Chief Guest to the gathering. There were speeches by the students of class X in English, Hindi and Telugu and depictions of the personages of Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi and Bhagat Singh with their quotes, by students of class V.
The School Choir rendered ‘Vandemataram’ and saluted the nation with their melody. The Chief Guest in his address emphasized that achievement of Independence was the result of the efforts and sacrifices of many who inspired and united the nation. He also advised the students to pursue their interests and passions to choose their professions.
Sweet distribution concluded the celebration of the day.


Patriotic Song Singing Competition

As a part of Pre-Independence Day celebrations on 13-8-14, to keep the flame of Patriotism burning in our hearts, the students of Grades 1, 2 & 3, at Orchids-Hyderabad participated in the Patriotic Song Singing Competition. The competition offered a chance to all the students to sing melodious patriotic songs and instilled the feeling of Patriotism. It was wonderful to see the little Orchidians sing.

Krishnashtami Celebrations

Krishna Janmashtami, also known as Janmashtami, marks the birth of Lord Krishna.
On the 13-08-2014, Orchids-The International School, Hyderabad celebrated Krishnashtami with great enthusiasm.

The students, who were traditionally dressed as Lord Krishna and Radha, stole the show with their mind-blowing performances .All the participants of the Pre-primary & the Primary section took great interest and enthusiastically performed various dances .It was a very colourful and informative event.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Mother and Child Competition

Mother and Child Team at Orchids

Competitions, individual or as a team, offer immense pleasure of participation combined with learning experience. Some competitions remain unique and noteworthy involving the participation of parents.  One such is the competition organized in Orchids on August 2, 2014.

‘Mother and Child’ formed quite an understanding team and students of classes I-VII participated in the contest cheerfully with mothers beside, guiding them to implement their plan of work efficiently on time.
Themes given for the classes: I&II – Hat making
                                             III – V - Mask making 
                                             VI & VII - Collage making on ‘A famous woman’          

Parents shared the enthusiasm of their children and participated in the activity organized especially for them to the delight of everyone. Joy of participation, alacrity to wind up the work within the stipulated one hour and admirable coordination they had with their children made each and every ‘Mother and Child’ team, a winner indeed.

Lunch Timings

Dear  parent,
This is to inform you that school has rescheduled the lunch time.
Entire school will assemble at the same time for lunch.
Lunch time: 12:30 p.m to 1:05 p.m with effect from Monday  4/08/14.

Kindly note the change.

Learning logs for the month of Aug-Sept 2014-15

English Language
Lesson 4 – Verbs,  Lesson 5 – Pronouns,  Lesson 6 – Adjectives, Lesson 7 – Articles,  Lesson 8 – Word Order and Sentence

English Literature
Lesson 4 – The Little Pine tree , Poem – Where after comes before 
Enrich Reader : Stan & the dragon, This is the key, Trip to heaven, I am a Polar Bear , Androcles and the lion

Lesson 4 – Multiplication , Lesson 5 – Division
Lesson 4 – Soil, Lesson 5 – Solids, Liquids & Gases, Lesson 6 – Living & Non Living Things

Social Studies
Lesson 5 – Water we drink, Lesson 6 – Our Country , Lesson 7 – States of India,  Lesson 8  – Important cities of India

II Lang
Hindi:  paz­ 6¸ iryaa ka sapnaa , paz­ 7¸ GamaMDI ka isar naIcaa ,
paz­ 12¸ ittlaI AaOr fUla , saM&a
Telugu: L-7: Aharam, L-8:Deepvali, L-9 Durga Bhai Deshmukh  L-10: Lakha

French: L 3: Les Copains, L 4: Devinez L-5: Dansla

Lesson 4– Understanding Windows
Art and Craft
1. Indian flag
2. Festival celebrations

General Knowledge
Pg  26: Holy places Pg 27: Where in India? Pg 28: Cricket Today  Pg 29: Today stars in sports  Pg 30: Is it true?
Songs: Sare Jahanse Accha
         Basket ball-Ball handling and dribbling, Basket passes,Touch Rugby-Passing and Receiving,Touch Rugby-Game.

6th August, 2014- Hiroshima Day (Assembly Presentation)
14th August, 2014 – Krishnastami Celebration
15th August, 2014 – Independence Day
28th August, 2014 – Telugu Day
5th September, 2014 – Teacher’s Day
12th September, 2014 - Hindi Diwas
26th September, 2014 – Dasara Celebration
8th August, 2014 – Mother and child
14th August, 2014- Patriotic Singing Competition                                                                                                                                      
2nd August, 2014- Varalakshmi vratham
29th August, 2014 – Vinayaka Chavathi
8th September, 2014 – Ganesh Immersion
16th to 26th September, 2014 - Summative Assessment
27th September to 6th October, 2014 – Dasara vacation
7th October 2014 – School reopens